Monday, June 25, 2012

Craving a Detox?

Although  you might not crave it, believe your body is!


Its one of the most heatlhiest descions you can ever make.

Problems is


 to have a great tasting detox drink!

Below is a list of combinations you can try!

Mango, pineapple and lemon juice: combined together are a great tropical combination and are both good for the digestive system.

cantaloupe, honey dew melon, papaya and white grapes: This is another great fruit juice combination that benefits the kidneys. Garnish with a twist of lime.

Lemon juice, white grapes, strawberries, and apple (Granny Smith preferred): are another good detox juice and fruit combination benefiting the kidneys as well as the liver and skin.
strawberries, bananas, and peaches (White Peaches preferred):  This is a great potassium source and is good for the skin.
 fresh apple pear, and a carrot: Simply juice together for a great detox juice.

Apples, oranges, lemon, and carrots: combined are an excellent detox juice and a wonderful source of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and a natural relief for arthritic pain.

Apples and red cabbage: juiced together serve not only as a detox juice, and diuretic, but also as a natural antiviral and antibacterial source.

Spinach and carrots: as a rich vegetable detox juice are an excellent source of antioxidants.

Lettuce and tomato: goes together well not only in a salad, but works wonders as a detox juice. Loaded with nutrients and great for digestive issues, juice together and add a little bit of cucumber and lemon juice to freshen up the taste.

Lemons and limes: with water are one of the simplest and most effect detox juices available. It is a great source of Vitamin C, and is great for the skin. It also purifies the kidneys and liver.

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