Thursday, June 28, 2012

Foods that help fight Depression

Foods that help fight Depression

The causes of depression are complex. Genetic, biological, and environmental factors can contribute to its development. In some people, depression can be traced to a single cause, while in others, a number of causes are at play. For many, the causes are never known.

What type of food can we eat to help with depression? Below there's a list of food!
But most importantly, Prayer may be a great start.

Some species of fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that you can only get from foods that contain them. A deficiency in omega-3s could increase symptoms of depression, but increasing your intake could have the opposite effect by alleviating the feelings that are associated with the disorder. Salmon, mackerel and herring are particularly high in omega-3s. Add these types of fish to your diet a couple of times per week as part of a healthy diet for the treatment of depression. If you don't like fish, talk with your doctor about whether omega-3 supplements are a good choice for you.

Beans contain selenium, which is a micronutrient that some research indicates could help ease the symptoms of depression, according to "Health" magazine. Beans are inexpensive and versatile, making them easy to incorporate into your meal plans. Try tossing beans in salads or soups. Use mashed beans to make burgers instead of ground beef or add them to tacos and burritos. Brazil nuts are another food with high amounts of selenium. Add them to oatmeal or trail mix to increase your intake with little effort.

Several B vitamins play a role in reducing depression symptoms. A deficiency in vitamin B-3, vitamin B-6 or folic acid could contribute to an increase in depression, reports the Food for the Brain website. These nutrients are found in many foods, and creating a well-balanced meal plan will help you get adequate supplies of each. Good sources include whole grains, leafy green vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, milk and peas. Some types of orange juice and breakfast cereal are fortified with B vitamins and are good choices if you feel depressed. Talk with your doctor about a B vitamin supplement if you worry that you aren't getting enough.

Keeping your blood sugar stable is a powerful way to treat mood disorders. Chromium is a nutrient that helps your body maintain blood sugar levels, according to Food for the Brain. Increasing your intake could reduce the feelings of depression you experience. Broccoli is a good source of chromium. Steam it and serve as a side dish, toss chopped broccoli into salads or coleslaw or add it to stir-fries. Raw broccoli with low-fat ranch dressing is a healthy appetizer that will increase chromium intake.

Contains vitamins B1 and B3, and folic acid. Brown rice is also a low-glycemic food, which means it releases glucose into the bloodstream gradually, preventing sugar lows and mood swings. Brown rice also provides many of the trace minerals we need to function properly, as well as being a high-fiber food that can keep the digestive system healthy and lower cholesterol. Instant varieties of rice do not offer these benefits. Any time you see "instant" on a food label, avoid it.

Contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Brewer's yeast should be avoided if you do not tolerate yeast well, but if you do, mix a thimbleful into any smoothie for your daily dose. This superfood packs a wide assortment of vitamins and minerals in a small package, including 16 amino acids and 14 minerals. Amino acids are vital for the nervous system, which makes brewer's yeast a no-brainer for treating depression.

Contain folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamins B6 and B1. Oats help lower cholesterol, are soothing to the digestive tract and help avoid the blood sugar crash-and-burn that can lead to crabbiness and mood swings. Other whole grains such as kamut, spelt and quinoa are also excellent choices for delivering brain-boosting nutrients and avoiding the pitfalls of refined grains such as white flour.

Contains vitamin C and folic acid. Cabbage protects against stress, infection and heart disease, as well as many types of cancers, according to the American Association for Cancer Research. There are numerous ways to get cabbage into your diet; toss it in a salad instead of lettuce, use cabbage in place of lettuce wraps, stir fry it in your favorite Asian dish, make some classic cabbage soup or juice it. To avoid gas after eating cabbage, add a few fennel, caraway or cumin seeds before cooking. Cabbage is also a good source of blood-sugar-stabilizing fiber, and the raw juice of cabbage is a known cure for stomach ulcers.

Also worth mentioning
Foods like raw cacao, dark molasses and brazil nuts (high in selenium) are also excellent for boosting brain function and eliminating depression. Get raw cacao and brazil nuts at Nature's First Law. Another source for cacao is Navitas Naturals.

Original articles can be found below!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very informative post. Food can really help to fight depression and alike. Thanks for sharing these health infos.

    foods that fight depression
